Development Feasibility
Saint Arnold Commercial helps clients to establish the highest-best-use of test development ideas on a unique parcel, or to identify specific markets and locations for their product type. This research is incorporated into feasibility studies that house absorption projections, demand forecasts, valuations, land-use modeling, cash flow analysis, fiscal impact analysis, operational analysis, and public finance for bonds, public-improvement-funds, tax-increment-financing, etc. Each year, Saint Arnold Commercial’s feasibility and market studies are used for 150 to 200 unique private and public lending, acquisition, investment, development, re-development, valuation, and disposition decisions.

Market Research
The most important considerations in the development process are whether a project will be successful in the marketplace. Saint Arnold Commercial Associates has a staff of professionals in the Marketing and Economics Division who conduct economic and demographic analyses and financial feasibility studies. The results of these analyses allow a client to test his ideas against the market and provide the designer with an economic basis for land planning decisions. Financial feasibility studies are also developed for specific projects, including pro forma income statements, cash flow analyses, and determination of financial rate of return. Socioeconomic studies are also undertaken for public agencies and private clients as part of the land development process.